
As founder Sam Kitchell wisely noted throughout his life, Kitchell is only where it is today because of the quality of our people. We are fortunate to employ the best,…

Kitchell Foundation

We are fortunate to be able to support the communities in which we operate, much the same way Sam Kitchell envisioned when he founded Kitchell in 1950. Sam believed philanthropy…

Terms of Service

Agreement between user and The website (the “Site”) is comprised of various web pages operated by Kitchell Corporation (“Kitchell”). is offered to you conditioned on your acceptance…


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Our team encompasses specialists who can navigate the complexities of school construction financing, help you build and maintain public support, assess needs to determine priorities and ensure equity, develop and…

Fleet Services

…to: Perform high-quality diagnostic and repair services at a fair price, using quality NAPA parts. Employ ASE-certified technicians in all areas of work performed. Be dedicated to customer satisfaction. Exercise…