
As founder Sam Kitchell wisely noted throughout his life, Kitchell is only where it is today because of the quality of our people. We are fortunate to employ the best,…


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Fleet Services

…metropolitan Phoenix area, as well as personally owned vehicles. Kitchell Fleet Services is part of the NAPA AutoCare network of trusted, locally-owned repair facilities. What does this mean for you?…

Banner Health: Four East Valley Health Centers

Combining our extensive Banner experience (a client since 1962) with expertise building multiple iterations of one prototype drove faster, more cost-effective processes which yielded an optimal patient experience at these…

The Phoenician Resort & Spa

…center with a personal training gym. Finally, the Athletic Club was expanded to include a brand new fitness center, 10 new tennis courts, basketball court, and updated golf cart parking….


Kitchell began as a commercial contracting business and over the years developed new talents and enterprises, acquiring complementary businesses and expertise to remain a competitive, privately-owned company. Today, the employee-owned…