
As founder Sam Kitchell wisely noted throughout his life, Kitchell is only where it is today because of the quality of our people. We are fortunate to employ the best,…

SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center

The $99.9 million, 126,305 SF transformation and renovation of the Community Center Theater, renamed the SAFE Credit Union Performing Arts Center, includes a new electro-acoustic and constellation audio system, modifications…

Kitchell Foundation

We are fortunate to be able to support the communities in which we operate, much the same way Sam Kitchell envisioned when he founded Kitchell in 1950. Sam believed philanthropy…


Kitchell was established in 1950 by Sam Kitchell. Our roots are in general contracting and construction management services in the Western United States. As the construction industry grew, Sam Kitchell…

General Contractor

…embraces pull planning. The plan begins with the successful completion of all work and moves backward incrementally to lay out what needs to be done in order to get “there.”…

Terms of Service

Agreement between user and The website (the “Site”) is comprised of various web pages operated by Kitchell Corporation (“Kitchell”). is offered to you conditioned on your acceptance…


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Justice & Corrections

Our expertise extends to helping public agencies achieve justice facilities that are delivered on time, within budget and safe to operate. Other services: Mitigating opposition through strategic community outreach Assessing…